Section 2. Processing Information Requests

If the request identifies information/documents that NTEU and/or the employee has a right to receive pursuant to the terms of the negotiated agreement, management must release that information, even if the request does not contain all the elements of a request for information under 5 USC 7114. NTEU should be informed that any requested information that is outside the provisions of the negotiated agreement must be requested through the appropriate servicing Labor Relations office by filing a request for information under the provisions of 5 USC 7114.

6.711.2.8 (03-25-2011)

Analyzing/Processing the Request

  1. What is being requested?: The request must articulate with specificity what information NTEU is requesting. The request cannot be overly broad or vague. If the request is not clear, the Labor Relations office will contact NTEU and request clarification. If NTEU refuses to clarify the request, it should be denied. It is not appropriate for the Labor Relations office to attempt to make its own determination regarding what information is being requested. However, Labor Relations should keep in mind that NTEU may not know the specific contents, or title, of the documents it is requesting. It is required to give sufficient detail to allow the specialist to identify the specific documents that are being requested.
  2. Particularized need:

6.711.2.9 (03-25-2011)

Responding to Information Requests

  1. After the Labor Relations staff has evaluated the information request and determined whether any information will be released, a response will be prepared. The IRS must respond to a request for information even if the requested information does not exist. Failure to respond constitutes an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP).
  2. When responding to a request for information the following must be provided:

6.711.2.10 (03-25-2011)

Other Requests

  1. FOIA: Labor Relations offices often receive requests for information under 5 USC 7114 that also request information under FOIA. When such requests are received, the Labor Relations office should evaluate the request under 5 USC 7114 and issue a response. The response should clearly indicate that the request was evaluated under 5 USC 7114 and should refer the requestor to the appropriate Disclosure Office for guidance on how to request information under FOIA. For more information on FOIA please refer to IRM 11.3.
  2. Requests for Material Relied On: The employee and/or representative are entitled to receive the material management relied on to propose a disciplinary or adverse action. These entitlements are detailed in Articles 38, 39, and 40 of the negotiated agreement. Requests for material relied on are not information requests pursuant to 5 USC 7114. Unlike information requests, requests for material relied on are not separate cases in ALERTS, they are part of the underlying conduct file.
    If NTEU requests more information than the material relied on, the request must be carefully evaluated. Any information that exceeds the material relied on must be requested under 5 USC 7114 and NTEU must establish a particularized need for the information.
  3. EEO: When Labor Relations offices receive requests from NTEU for EEO data under Article 45 of NAII they will contact the EDI office for a point of contact (POC) from which to secure the information in order to comply with the information request. The EDI POC will also proved Labor Relations with a template with links to give NTEU access to data as required in Article 45, Section 3 of NAII.

6.711.2.11 (03-25-2011)

ALERTS Documentation

  1. Type of Case: All requests for information must be documented in ALERTS. Requests filed under 5 USC 7114 or Article 45 of NAII are to be established as separate cases in ALERTS. The ALERTS case type for a request under 5 USC 7114 is "R."
  2. Cross-Reference: A request for information under 5 USC 7114 may not be associated with an existing grievance, negotiation, or other case in ALERTS. However, if it is, then the "R" case must be cross-referenced with the associated case. For example, if NTEU requests information under 5 USC 7114 for upcoming local negotiations, the information request and negotiations case are separate cases in ALERTS, but each should be cross-referenced to the other. This is typically accomplished by "posting" the information request case from the associated case in ALERTS.
  3. Received date: The received date for an information request is the date the request is received in the servicing Labor Relations office.
  4. Facts and Analysis: At a minimum the Facts and Analysis field in ALERTS will contain the following information:
  1. What information was requested.
  2. NTEU's stated particularized need.
  3. What (if any) information was released to NTEU.
  4. What information was denied and why it was denied.

6.711.2.12 (03-25-2011)

Case Assembly

  1. Each request for information under 5 USC 7114 will be maintained in its own folder. Case materials, including communications relevant to the determination to release information will be maintained on the right side of the folder in reverse chronological order. At a minimum, the following information will be tabbed: