Gravity PDF

Gravity PDF is the ultimate self-hosted solution for dynamically creating digital PDF documents using Gravity Forms and WordPress.

Gravity PDF

Certified Add-On

Gravity PDF is a freemium plugin (free with paid upgrades) which automatically generates PDF documents after users submit their Gravity Forms entries.

Highly Customisable PDFs

Out of the box you receive four highly-customisable PDF designs. Within minutes, you can personalise the look and feel by adding your company logo, header, footer, paper size / orientation, font, color and size. If these designs don’t suit, select a new one from the Template Shop, go Bespoke, or build your own using HTML/CSS/PHP.

Send as Email Attachment

Gravity PDF can automatically email the PDF to both the admin and the user as soon as the form is completed. Try combining this feature with one of Gravity Forms payment add-ons (like Stripe, Square, or PayPal) to delay the email until the payment is complete.

Privacy, Security, and GDPR

Gravity PDF generates PDFs on your web server, so no third-party service receives your data. Robust security protects your documents, and the plugin is GDPR-compliant for our European friends.

Free Feature

Unlock More Functionality

Pay for additional PDF designs and functionality from our online store.

Hire the Experts

Need a tailor-made solution for Gravity PDF that solves complex business problems? Our team of experienced developers have helped thousands of businesses like yours to accomplish these goals. We can even automatically fill out existing PDFs like government forms! Find out more.

Documentation & Support

Provided By: Certified Developer

Visit the developers website to purchase or download this third-party add-on.

This plugin is supported by the developer on their site. We do not provide direct support for this add-on.

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Featured Add-Ons

After Form Submission: Automate Your Processes

Looking to improve user experience after form submission or automate workflows for form entries? The Gravity Forms certified add-ons provide extensive functionality. Find out more…


Case Studies

A Case Study: Creating an Invoice and Billing Management System with Gravity Forms and Gravity PDF

To celebrate Certified Developer Week, Gravity PDF has shared a case study video, giving an insight into how an agency has used Gravity Forms and Gravity PDF to meet the needs of a client.

Certified Developer Week

Featured Add-Ons

Meet Ben and Jake (from GFChart and Gravity PDF)

Today we meet Ben Ramsden from GFChart and Jake Jackson from Gravity PDF, who have created a video especially for Certified Developer Week, where they talk all things Gravity Forms!

Featured Add-Ons

Introducing Image Hopper: The Ultimate Image Uploader and Editor for Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is excited to announce that we have a new addition to the Certified Developer Program – Image Hopper, built to be the ultimate image uploader and editor for Gravity Forms.

Gravity Forms is a Rocketgenius invention. Check out more information about us here.

Helpful Links


System Requirements

Gravity Forms recommends the same system requirements as WordPress: PHP v7.4+, MySQL v5.7+ and the latest version of WordPress.

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