This article will help you get answers to the most common mail merge issues when using Publisher: Making changes to a data source or address list during the mail merge process, adding spaces to a merge field so that it looks the way you want it to, saving the merged publication, and printing different merged pages on a sheet (for example, different labels on a sheet of labels).
If you're working on your merge publication and you want to make changes to your data source or address list, do the following:
Note: For more information about creating a data source or an address list, see Create a data source for a mail merge.
Insert spaces in merge fieldsThe most common issue with inserting merge fields in a document is getting the correct spacing between the merge fields, particularly with merge fields that are not always present, such as middle initials. You can add spaces directly on the page between the merge fields, but this will result in extra spaces if some of the addresses do not use all the merge fields. To ensure that all your fields get the space they need, insert spaces in the address list itself.
For example, to ensure that the reciprient's names will appear correctly whether or not an item in your address list contains a middle initial, do the following:
A mail merge contains both the information that is the same in each copy and some placeholders for the information that is unique to each copy. An example of this is a personalized newsletter in which the body of the newsletter is the same for all recipients, but the mailing address and introduction are different.
The most common issue with creating the merged publication is not saving both the publication with the merge fields and the merged pages publication.
Create merged publication is step three in the Mail Merge wizard. In this step, you have three choices:
To save both the merged publication and the publication that contains the merged fields, click the Merge to a new publication option. A new publication window opens and displays the merged pages publication. The merge field publication is hidden behind the merged pages publication. Be sure to save both publications.
Then you can print the merged pages publication.
Print multiple labels, name tags, or postcards on a sheetThe most common issue with printing the publication is printing one of each of the merged pages on a sheet of paper—for example, one of each different mailing labels on a sheet of mailing label paper.
This happens because if you choose the Print option, the Print dialog box defaults to the Multiple copies per sheet option and prints out an entire sheet of labels for each address rather than printing one address per label on the sheet.
To print different sets of merge data — for example, different names and addresses — on each sheet of paper, click Multiple pages per sheet in the Printing options section.